Idea cellular has withdrawn its special double data offer on its 4G plans. It was the first telecom network in India to introduce a double data offer...
Idea cellular, the third biggest telecom giant of India has launched unlimited night pack at Rs 19, across all the circles in the country. Customers are...
Find information of Mumbai IDEA Prepaid mobile 2G plans / data packs / recharges on limited plans, unlimited plans and Freedom Packs.
2G Mobile Prepaid
Idea, India’s third biggest telecom giant has come up with a special internet night pack for its customers in the Mumbai circle. Priced at Rs. 96 for...
Find information of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana IDEA Prepaid mobile 2G plans / data packs / recharges on limited plans, unlimited plans and Freedom Packs.
Find information of Assam IDEA Prepaid mobile 2G plans / data packs / recharges on limited plans, unlimited plans and Freedom Packs.
2G Mobile Prepaid
Find information of Bihar and Jharkhand IDEA Prepaid mobile 2G plans / data packs / recharges on limited plans, unlimited plans and Freedom Packs.2G...
Find information of Delhi & NCR IDEA Prepaid mobile 2G plans / data packs / recharges on limited plans, unlimited plans and Freedom Packs.
2G Mobile...
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